Review: Pie & Tart Hong Kong
A friend once told me that the best tart he’d tasted in his entire life was that of Pie & Tart’s in Hong Kong. I was a bit skeptical as tarts in Hong Kong are the pandesals/ensaymadas of the Philippines, just about every bakery has its own version which is as good, probably even better, than that of the last bakeshop you’ve visited. My point is, it’s hard to choose the best. As I frequently go to Hong Kong since my sister and brother-in-law are based there, I promised myself that I’d make it a point to drop by a store in my next visit. I was surprised when my sister told me that there was a branch of it in Granville Road, a short walk from Rosary Church where we’d usually attend mass on Sundays. And ever since I first tried their pastries, a trip to Hong Kong would not be complete without a visit to Pie & Tart! Just to give you a bit of background, Pie & Tart was established in 1998. Its official website states that it currently has thirteen (13) b...